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The research group won 3 National Natural Science Foundation projects including the National Major Scientific Research Instrument Development Project

time:2018-09-10  source:   click:

Recently, the National Natural Science Foundation of China announced the review results of the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2018. This group has won 3 projects including major national scientific research instrument development projects (3 projects in total). They are as follows:

  1. National major scientific research instrument development project "Cross-scale and high-resolution multimodal ultrasound bone imaging method and instrument development" (Person in charge: He Dean)

  2. The general project "Research on Bone and Joint Ultrasound Imaging Evaluation Method Based on Coded Excitation and Adaptive Beamforming" (Leader: Liu Chengcheng).

  3. Youth project "Research on the Theory and Method of Acoustic Model of Skull by Ultrasonic Backscatter" (Leader: Li Ying).