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It’s better to be able to work hard than to "gnaw" to create a novelty in bone medical ultrasound

time:2018-09-11  source:   click:

It’s better to be able to work hard than to "gnaw" to create a novelty in bone medical ultrasound

——The winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, the young and middle-aged science and technology innovation leader of the Ministry of Science and Technology

Translated from School of Information Science and Engineering, Fudan University NewsOriginal link

"Although the current medical ultrasound applications have achieved considerable results and performance, there is still a long way to go before accurate and smart medical ultrasound." Professor Dean Ta from the School of Information Science and Engineering of Fudan University talked about the future of medicine Said while developing ultrasound.

"Bone gnawing" with relish, medical ultrasound hit a new high

Since receiving funding from the National Natural Science Youth Fund project in 2003, Professor Dean Ta has been carrying out distinctive and important scientific research in the field of biomedical ultrasound. Adhering to the orientation of major national needs in the field of population and health, we systematically studied the ultrasonic testing theory of the skeletal system, overcome the key scientific problems and technical barriers in the application of ultrasonic bone evaluation, innovated the bone ultrasonic testing and evaluation system, and adopted independent The developed ultrasonic bone testing instrument collected a large amount of scientific data, which laid the foundation for my country's research on new ultrasonic bone diagnosis, and related research has produced a series of important results.

Professor Dean Ta proposed a theoretical model of ultrasonic scattering of honeycomb cancellous bone. After years of research, this theory has been deeply developed and enriched. It has solved the complicated back The calculation of the scattering solution has greatly promoted the clinical application of ultrasonic backscatter. At the same time, his professor proposed and developed a theoretical model of long bones with mucus-filled multilayer composite tubular structures, which solved the basic theoretical problems of guided wave propagation in long bones. He took the lead in the world to examine the cumulative secondary induced by fundamental guided waves in long bones. Harmonic research has pioneered nonlinear guided wave bone detection technology; it has revealed the pattern of guided wave transitions in long bones and is used in long bone fracture detection and healing status monitoring.

In terms of new methods and new technological innovations in bone ultrasound detection, Professor Dean Ta proposed a systematic method of ultrasound encoding excitation → dispersion compensation → time-frequency separation → extraction and recognition → inversion → acquisition of bone parameters, which overcomes the problem of ultrasound. In the bones, the received signal is weak, the signal-to-noise ratio is low, and the propagation distance and penetration depth are small. Key methods and technologies for time-frequency overlap multi-mode ultrasonic guided wave detection have been developed; the effect of soft tissue on ultrasonic signals and compensation methods have been proposed. The selection criteria of ultrasound signals and bone quality evaluation criteria have been established. His series of achievements have laid a strong theoretical foundation and technical support for the clinical application of bone ultrasound testing.

Professor Dean Ta's systematic and groundbreaking research results on bone ultrasonic testing have promoted the progress and development of the theory of ultrasonic propagation in complex media, and has been widely recognized by experts and colleagues at home and abroad. In 2013, he won the first "Wei Mozhen Acoustic Award" by the Shanghai Acoustic Society. In 2015, he was awarded the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund. In 2017, he was selected as a young and middle-aged science and technology innovation leader by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Stars etc. Professor He has been invited to give more than 50 conferences/invited lectures at international and domestic academic conferences, and co-chaired the Bone Ultrasound Branch of the International Ultrasound Symposium for more than 10 times with Academician Laugier of the European Academy of Sciences. He currently serves as the European International Scientific Committee of Bone Ultrasound; in 2017, his professor was elected as a director of the International Society of Bone Ultrasound (5 people in total, 1 Chinese), which established my country's international status in related fields.

In China, ProfessorDean Ta also serves as a director of the Chinese Society of Acoustics, a director of the Biomedical Ultrasound Branch, a vice chairman of the Medical Industry Integration Alliance, a representative of the 9th National Congress of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, and China Bio More than 10 members including the deputy chairman of the Medical Ultrasound Engineering Branch of the Medical Engineering Society, a member of the National Acoustic Science and Technology Term Review Committee, a standing member of the Instrument Development Specialized Committee of the Chinese Society of Ultrasound Medical Engineering, and a standing member of the Ultrasound Molecular Imaging and Artificial Intelligence Professional Committee of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association Academic.

Persevere tirelessly to help the development of medical ultrasound

On the basis of theory and experiment, Professor Dean Ta has developed the world’s first bone ultrasound diagnostic apparatus using ultrasonic backscatter method. It has been used in Zhongshan Hospital, Huashan Hospital and Pediatric Hospital of Fudan University. The hospital has established a clinical database of relevant ultrasound parameters (more than 4,500 cases). In addition, a bone ultrasound test analyzer and a bone ultrasound treatment platform were also developed, which were tested in 8 units. These achievements won the Gold Award for Outstanding Invention in the 25th Shanghai Outstanding Invention Trial and the second prize of Science and Technology Progress by the Ministry of Education. At present, the transformation of scientific research results is progressing in an orderly manner.

On the basis of the previous scientific research instrument development project of the National Foundation of China, the "cross-scale and high-resolution multimodal ultrasound bone imaging method and instrument development" chaired by Professor Dean Ta was approved again in 2018 National major scientific research instrument research and development project. The team of Professor He De'an will further advance the research work of ultrasound bone imaging methods and equipment, and ultrasound diagnosis and treatment of human motion systems. The research to be carried out aims at the cutting-edge issues in this field in the world, and closely focuses on the ultrasound imaging diagnosis, regulation, treatment, system and application of bone and motion systems to conduct in-depth discussions, from basic theories to application foundations to research results. Systematic and complete research ideas, and maintain the continuity and in-depth research for a long time. Being capable is not as good as "chewing". Professor Dean Ta believes that "this research is of great significance for improving the sensitivity of ultrasound diagnosis and achieving precise control of the ultrasound beam in the motion system, etc., and it is closely related to the country's major strategic needs, and it is also urgently needed by our country. One of the research areas being carried out."

Professor De'an has carried out research in the field of medical ultrasound down-to-earth and conscientiously, and has made tangible contributions to the health of the people. The instrument developed by it is small and light, with independent intellectual property rights, which greatly reduces the cost of development, and is of great significance to the improvement of medical conditions in high-cold and remote areas.

Emphasis on sharing scientific research results and strengthening international exchanges and cooperation

In December 2016, Professor Dean Ta was invited to visit the University of Alberta, Canada. Professor Fedorak, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of Alberta, Professor Emery, Dean of the Department of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging, etc. awarded him a letter of appointment as part-time professor . Prior to this, the Medical Ultrasound Laboratory of the Department of Electronic Engineering of Fudan University and the research group of Professor Lawrence Le of the Department of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging of the University of Alberta have had 10 years of international cooperation and exchanges, co-published more than 20 academic papers, and exchanged 20 graduate students and visiting scholars. The appointment of Professor De'an will further strengthen the cooperation between Fudan University and Alberta University, and will play an important role in discipline construction, scientific research cooperation, and student training between the two universities.

Professor He De'an believes: "Sharing and exchanges can not only improve the knowledge and understanding of both parties, but also accelerate the speed of technological innovation." At present, the laboratory under his leadership has scientific research cooperation with many universities at home and abroad to jointly train graduate students ( Jointly train 12 graduate students with foreign universities), including the State University of New York at Stony Brook, University of Paris VI, University of Alberta, University of Jyväskylä in Finland and Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Looking forward to the future, Professor Dean Ta will always stick to the front line of scientific research and teaching. According to the development trend and goals of the discipline, his professor will continue to lead the smart medical ultrasound innovation team to target international frontiers and major national needs, adhere to characteristics, broaden the foundation, and actively undertake major national projects to enhance innovation capabilities. At the same time, through the combination of training and introduction, we will cultivate outstanding scientific research talents, expand the academic influence of the smart medical ultrasound team, and develop research with distinctive characteristics in the frontier fields of medical ultrasound information processing and its systems, and ultrasound regulation and evaluation of new sports systems. Direction, build a high-level innovation team with close integration of research directions, cross complementarity, and strong scientific research and innovation capabilities.