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Lecture by Mr. Zheng Li: How universities should apply for and use patents

time:2017-03-03  source:   click:

Lecture topic:How universities should apply for and use patents

Speaker:Zheng Li (General Manager of Shanghai Xucheng Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd.)

Introduction: Mr. Zheng Li is currently the general manager of Shanghai Xucheng Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd. After graduating from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1989, he has been engaged in patent agency work in Shanghai Patent and Trademark Office. In 1991 and 2000, he obtained patent agency in China and the United States respectively. He has been engaged in patent agency work in Shanghai, Beijing and the United States for nearly 28 years. Mr. Zheng Li personally represented more than 1,000 domestic and foreign patent applications (including many PCT and foreign patent applications). He has served as the head of the patent department of Beijing Zhongyuan Xinda Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd. for many years. He has extremely rich practical experience in patent agency and large scale International patent firm management experience, has extremely rich network resources in the industry.

Business experience:

1989-1995: Shanghai Patent and Trademark Office, patent attorney (acquired the qualification of Chinese patent attorney in 1991).

1995-1998: Beijing Zhongyuan Xinda Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd., patent department manager.

1998-1999: Study at Franklin Pierce Law Center in the United States and obtained a master's degree in intellectual property.

1999-2005: United States Kaplan Gilman Gibson & Dernier LLP firm, US patent attorney (qualified as US patent attorney in 2000).

2005-2008: Beijing Zhongyuan Xinda Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd., patent chief partner.

2008 - present: Shanghai Xucheng Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd., general manager.