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Professor Dean Ta was elected as the 9th Vice Chairman of the Acoustic Society of China

time:2018-11-20  source:   click:

The Ninth National Member Congress of the Acoustic Society of China was grandly held in Beijing on November 10, 2018. Wang Xiaomin, Chairman of the Eighth Council of the Acoustic Society of China, and nearly 400 member representatives from universities, scientific research institutes, and enterprises attended the meeting. Academician Yang Shie, Academician Zhang Shuyi, Academician Ma Yuanliang, Academician He Lin attended the meeting. Zhang Chunhua, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the Eighth Council of the Acoustic Society of China presided over the meeting.

Conference scene

Chairman Wang Xiaomin

Academician Yang Shie

Academician Zhang Shuyi

Academician Ma Yuanliang

Academician He Lin

Zhang Chunhua presided over the meeting

At the beginning of the conference, Zhang Chunhua, vice chairman of the board of directors, announced the China Association for Science and Technology "Approval on the Ninth Council of the Acoustic Society of China" and "Approval on the Ninth Member Congress of the Acoustic Society of China".

Academician Yang Shie of Harbin Engineering University delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. He introduced the development history of the Acoustic Society of China, and called on the majority of acoustic science and technology workers to actively join the Acoustic Society of China, a national, academic, and non-profit organization. By participating in rich academic exchange activities, he can learn about Chinese acoustics in a timely manner. latest progress. At the same time, he also encouraged the Acoustic Society of China to continuously improve its own strength, expand its influence and popularity, provide more services to its members, and contribute talents and strength to the development of the country.

Speech by Academician Yang Shie

The assembly reviewed and approved the ninth member representative assembly and the ninth first council bureau. The eighth chairman of the society, Wang Xiaomin, was elected as the chairman of the presidium.

Chairman Wang Xiaomin delivered a work report to the conference on behalf of the 8th Council. The report comprehensively summarized the academic exchanges, scientific popularization, journal editing, discipline development, commendation and recommendation, and service innovation in the past four years. The achievements made in the construction of the country and society, the party building of the society, etc., summed up the relevant experience and carefully analyzed the existing problems and shortcomings, and made suggestions for the new council. The conference reviewed and approved the work report of the 8th Council, and the participants believed that the content of the report was objective, detailed, profound and comprehensive.

Wang Xiaomin makes a work report

The meeting also reviewed and approved the 8th Council’s Financial Work Report, "Articles of Association of the Acoustic Society of China (Revised Draft)", individual membership and unit membership fee standards of the Acoustic Society of China, voter and supervisor for the election of the 9th Council The list of people, the tellers, and the election methods for the 9th Council and the Board of Supervisors Zhang Chunhua, vice chairman of the society, reported on the emergence of candidates for the ninth board of directors and the emergence of candidates for supervisors on the board of supervisors.

All representatives elected 120 members of the Ninth Council of the Acoustic Society of China and 5 supervisors of the Board of Supervisors by secret ballot.

Voting scene

Subsequently, the first council of the ninth session of the Chinese Acoustic Society was held. Wang Xiaomin, the eighth chairman of the society, presided over the meeting as the chairman of the presidium. The meeting elected 40 executive directors and heads of the society. Researcher Zhang Chunhua was elected as the chairman of the board, and Professor Li Qi, Professor Sun Chao, Professor He Dean, Professor Xie Bosun, Professor Zhang Dong, and Researcher Li Fenghua were elected as the vice chairman.

Proposed by the newly-elected chairman Zhang Chunhua, the first meeting of the Ninth Council decided to appoint researcher Zhang Shouzhu as the secretary general, and Professor Liu Xiaojun, Jiang Dejun Gaogong, and Zheng Hairong as deputy secretary generals .

Group photo of the eighth chairman Wang Xiaomin and the ninth chairman Zhang Chunhua

On behalf of the eighth council, Wang Xiaomin, the eighth council chairman, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all members for their strong support to the work of the eighth council, the standing council and the heads of the society, and to the newly elected directors and executive directors of the ninth council I expressed my sincere congratulations with the person in charge of the society, and placed ardent hopes on the future development of the society.

On behalf of the ninth council, Zhang Chunhua, the ninth chairman of the board, expressed his gratitude to the member representatives for their trust and support, and for the fruitful contributions made by chairman Wang Xiaomin and the eighth council led by him The work has been highly praised and respected.

2018 is a year of succession. The Eighth Council of the Acoustic Society of China has conscientiously implemented the spirit of instructions given by the central and higher-level leading departments to the work of the society, and conscientiously implemented the work of the society "corporate governance, democratic organization "" principle, unite and lead the majority of members, promote the orderly development of the work of the society, gradually bring the work of the society into the track of "standard, democratic, innovative development", and successfully completed the four-year work. On this basis, the Ninth Council of the Acoustic Society of China will further steadily promote the organization of the "three-type" (open, hub, and platform) societies, firmly establish the awareness of "four services", and strengthen the service for scientific and technological workers. Serve for innovation-driven development, serve to improve the scientific quality of the people, serve the party and the government for scientific decision-making, truly build a bridge between the party and the government to unite and contact the majority of scientific and technological workers, and build the Chinese Acoustic Society into an influential and vibrant modern Academic community.

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