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The result of the research group "Bone Ultrasound Diagnosis and Treatment System" won the "Excellent Product Award"

time:2018-11-20  source:   click:

From November 14th to 18th, the 5-day 20th China International High-tech Fair (hereinafter referred to as the Hi-Tech Fair) was held in Shenzhen. Fudan University has a total of 12 scientific research achievements and 1 road show project at this high-tech fair and has achieved many good results.

The bone ultrasound diagnosis and treatment system project led by Professor Ta Dean from the School of Information Science and Engineering of Fudan University, the emotional neural computing and emotional intelligence technology project led by Professor Dai Weihui from the School of Management, and the student Dan Chen from the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship The Ai-degradable organic waste treatment program project won the "Excellent Product Award", a record high in the number of high-tech fair product awards in recent years. In addition, the Fudan University delegation also won the "Excellent Display Award" and the "Excellent Organization Award" at this high-tech fair. This is the first time that the school has won all the awards of the high-tech fair.

In 2018, Fudan University was at the 20th China International High-tech Fair, the 1st China International Import Expo (Zhangjiang Science City Exhibition Hall), the 2nd China University Science and Technology Fair and the 46th Geneva International Invention Exhibition Both have achieved excellent results, showing that Fudan University has excellent strength and great potential in the field of scientific research achievement transformation.

According to reports, the China International High-tech Achievements Fair is currently the largest and most influential science and technology exhibition in China, and it is known as "China's first science and technology exhibition". The Hi-Tech Fair has been held for 20 consecutive sessions and has built a platform for market, investment and financing for a large number of Chinese high-tech start-ups. A total of 41 countries and international organizations and 141 delegations participated in the fair, and the number of participating countries hit a record high.

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