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The unveiling ceremony of "Fudan-Free Trade No. 1 Medical Device Joint Research Center" was successfully held

time:2020-08-20  source:   click:

On the afternoon of August 14, 2020, under the guidance of the Free Trade Zone Administration of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Management Committee, the Shanghai Biomedical Industry Association and the Pudong New Area Bioindustry Association, Fudan University Engineering and Applied Technology Research Institute and Free Trade One"Industrial Innovation·Ecological Empowerment—The Unveiling Ceremony of Fudan-Free Trade One Medical Device Joint Research Center and Joint Research Center Project Settlement and Project Display"The event was held at the Industrial Experience Center of Shanghai Free Trade No. 1 Life Science and Technology Industrial Park.

Witnessed byAcademician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Executive Vice President of Fudan University Jin Li, Deputy Director of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone Management Committee and Deputy Director of Free Trade Zone Administration Bureau Chen Yanfeng, Deputy Director of Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology of Fudan University Director He Dean and Zhao Bin, Investment Director of Shanghai Free Trade No.1 Life Technology Industrial Park, signed an agreement to jointly build the "Fudan-Free Trade No. 1 Medical Device Joint Research Center" and jointly unveiled. The two parties will actively leverage the talents and scientific research advantages of universities, the resource aggregation and platform sharing advantages of industrial parks, and continue to deepen exchanges and cooperation.

Shanghai Biomedical Technology Industry Promotion Center, Shanghai Science and Technology Industry Association, Shanghai Biomedical Industry Association and many other government leaders, industry organizations, and about 20 experts and scholars from Fudan University in biomedical engineering related disciplines, a total of about 80 people participated in this event activity.

The "Fudan-Free Trade No. 1 Medical Device Joint Research Center" is a school-level virtual body scientific research institution. The director of the center is a distinguished professor of Fudan University and the winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. It aims to focus on clinical needs, carry out common technology research in the field of medical devices, promote multi-disciplinary cross-integration innovation and in-depth cooperation in many aspects of industry, university, research and medical enterprises. Relying on universities as the source of innovation, provide the radiation supply and source support of scientific and technological achievements; at the same time, it is close to the market, closely connecting with the needs and industries, effectively solving the actual technical problems of the industry, and realizing the transformation of technology to application.

Through the solicitation and selection of Fudan campus, affiliated hospitals and alumni projects, the "Fudan-Free Trade One Medical Device Joint Center" will launch the first phase of 10 projects, covering medical electronics and equipment, medical robots, intelligent rehabilitation technology, Medical imaging artificial intelligence and other fields. This conference focused on displaying 4 high-quality projects from the Joint Research Center, which aroused the attention and heated discussions of many capital, experts, media, and enterprises on the spot.

"Fudan-Free Trade No. 1 Medical Device Joint Research Center" will continue to promote the subsequent project selection and industrialization process.