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Research Group's Postdoctoral Fellow Wenyu Xing was Awarded the 2023 Shanghai Post-doctoral Excellence Program

time:2024-03-04  source:   click:

The list of proposed beneficiaries for the 2023 Shanghai Post-doctoral Excellence Program was recently announced by the Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and the research group's postdoctoral fellow Wenyu Xing was awarded funding.

The Shanghai Post-doctoral Excellence Program is a "ace" project for gathering and retaining outstanding scientific research youth in Shanghai. The project deeply implements the implementation opinions of the State Council and the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center for Talent Development, aiming to further increase the training of outstanding postdoctoral researchers in the city, help build a high-level talent highland, and cultivate high-precision and cutting-edge talents for the construction of the "Five Centers" in Shanghai, especially the Science and Technology Innovation Center.