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Professor Xie Bosun, School of Physics and Optoelectronics, School of Science, South China University of Technology, made an academic report

time:2018-10-17  source:   click:

Report title: Principles, progress and problems of spatial acoustics

Time: November 2, 2018, 09:30 -11:00 am

Venue: Fudan University Science Building 4th Floor 423 (large meeting room)

Reporter: Xie Bosun (Professor of School of Physics and Optoelectronics, School of Science, South China University of Technology, PhD supervisor)

Contactor: Dean Ta


The purpose of spatial sound is to reproduce the spatial information of the sound and give the listener a specific spatial auditory perception. Space sound has always been an important research field of acoustics. In the past ten years, with the development of computer, signal processing, communication technology, etc., space acoustic technology has become a hot spot in the world. It has been greatly developed, and it has been applied to communication, virtual reality, various scientific research and engineering technology fields. Break through the traditional and popular entertainment applications. The research of space sound involves multiple interdisciplinary subjects such as acoustics (physics), signal processing, auditory physiology and psychology, involving both basic research on scientific issues and applied research on technical issues. Based on a brief review of the mechanism of human space hearing perception, this report reviews the basic physics and auditory principles of space sound, recent research progress and applications, including the work of the reporter’s research group in recent years, and specifically discusses existing problems and Future development direction.

Xie Bosun, a native of Guangzhou, was born in November 1960, PhD. Vice Chairman of the Acoustic Society of China, editorial board member of Journal of Acoustics, Journal of Electronics, and Applied Acoustics. Now he is a professor at the School of Physics and Optoelectronics, School of Science, South China University of Technology, director of the Institute of Acoustics, and a doctoral supervisor. In January 1982, he graduated from the Department of Physics, South China University of Science.

Since February 1982, he has been teaching at South China University of Technology. In July 1987 and November 1998, he graduated from South China University of Technology and Tongji University with a master's degree and a doctorate degree in acoustics, respectively, and received a master of science and a doctorate degree.

Mainly engaged in the teaching and scientific research of acoustics. Research fields include electroacoustics, psychoacoustics, acoustic signal processing, room acoustics, etc. Presided over the completion of a number of vertical scientific research projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Education's Outstanding Young Teacher Funding Project, the Guangdong Natural Science Foundation Project, and the Guangzhou Major Science and Technology Research Project. It also cooperates with large domestic enterprises and presided over the completion of a number of horizontal technology development and electroacoustic engineering projects. In recent years, he published a monograph "Head-related transfer function and virtual auditory display" in Chinese and English, published nearly 200 papers in core journals at home and abroad, and obtained 10 national invention patents. As a tutor, 9 doctoral students and 30 master students have been recruited.