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Congratulations—Chou Xingxing, a member of the research group, successfully obtained his Ph.D., and Liu Zhenli, the fifth strongest member, successfully obtained his master's degree

time:2019-05-30  source:   click:

Under the careful guidance of his teacher, Chou Xingxing, a member of the research group, successfully obtained a doctorate degree, and Liu Zhenli, the fifth strongest member, successfully obtained a master degree.

"Set up the heart for the world, for the life of the people, for the sacred and sacred learning, and for the peace of the world." I wish the members of the research team a bright future and continue to promote the smart medical ultrasound research team in their new positions. Pioneering and innovative spirit!

Picture 1: Graduation photo

Figure 2: Group photo of the defense meeting for Xinxin Chou's doctoral dissertation

Figure 3: Xingxing Chou's doctoral dissertation defense meeting

Picture 4: Group photo of the Qiangqiang Diwu and Liu Zhenli at the defense meeting