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News Detail Home/News Detail The Intelligent Medical Ultrasound Innovation Team of the School of Information Science and Engineering won the 2019 Fudan University Top Ten "Three Goods" Graduate Student Guidance Team

time:2019-06-29  source:   click:

It was learned from the school that on the afternoon of April 30th, the 2019 Fudan University Top Ten "Three Goods" Graduate Student Guidance Team Exhibition and Appraisal Conference jointly organized by the Graduate School and the Graduate Work Department of the Party Committee was successfully held in the lecture hall 102, East Annex Building, Guanghua Building. Twenty-two outstanding graduate student guidance teams from 19 departments participated in this exhibition. At the exhibition, a total of 10 guidance teams were selected to win the honorary title of the top ten "three good" graduate student guidance teams in 2019. The Intelligent Medical Ultrasound Innovation Team of the School of Information Science and Engineering won this honor. Chen Liangyao's research group won the nomination award.