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The Intelligent Medical Ultrasound Research Group went to Glasgow, UK to participate in the IEEE IUS2019 International Academic Conference

time:2019-11-28  source:   click:

The 2019 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (2019 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium) was held at the Scottish Exhibiton Centre in Glasgow, UK from October 6th to 9th, 2019. The conference homepage URL: group of 5 people including Xu Kailiang, a young researcher of the research group, attended this international academic conference. The conference is held once a year and is one of the most important academic conferences in the field of ultrasound in the world.

At this conference, four papers in the research group were approved by the conference technical committee after peer review. Among them, Master student Lou Sijia made a report entitled "A Time-Frequency Independent Component Analysis Method for Group Velocity Extraction of Ultrasonic Guided Waves". Master student Gao Jialiang gave a report entitled "A Free Plate Model Could Predict Ultrasonic Guided Waves Propagation in a 3D Printed Skull Phantom". Two other papers "Cortical Bone Fracture Imaging Using Velocity Model Based Multistatic Synthetic Aperture Ultrasound" and "Multichannel Crossed Convolutional Neural Network for Combined Estimation of Cortical Thickness and Bulk Velocities Using Ultrasonic Guided Waves: A Simulation Study" were selected as Poster Presentation.

At this conference, the participants of the research group conducted in-depth discussions and extensive exchanges with international researchers in this field, which not only broadened their research horizons, and learned about the latest research trends and results in this field on a global scale, but also By introducing and displaying the latest research progress of the research group, the international influence of the research group has been further enhanced. The next IEEE IUS2020 will be held in Las Vegas, USA.

Xu Kailiang, a young researcher of the research group, and a group of five people participated in the IEEE IUS2019 International Academic Conference

Research team members have in-depth conversations with international counterparts