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Qiang Li
Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
Room 1301, Building D2, Bay Valley Science and Technology Park

Education and Work Experience

• June 2024 - Present: Fudan University, Academy for Engineering and Technology, Postdoctoral Researcher (Advisor: Professor Dean Ta)

• September 2019 - June 2024: Fudan University, Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics (Advisors: Professor Peng Ji, Professor David Waxman)

• September 2015 - June 2019: Hohai University, Bachelor of Science in Information and Computational Science

Research Interests

• Research on the Mechanisms of Ultrasonic Propagation

• Analysis of Medical Ultrasound Imaging

Research Projects

• Participated in the Brain Intelligence Excellent Youth Fund, focusing on the quantitative analysis of neural cell state transformation and stability based on transcriptome vector field

• Participated in the National Natural Science Foundation General Project, analyzing the dynamics of brain network evolution in Alzheimer's disease

• Participated in the "Brain Science and Brain-like Research" Major Project of Science and Technology Innovation 2030, contributing to the mapping of the whole-brain mesoscale neural connections in zebrafish

Honors and Awards

• 2024: Outstanding Graduate of Shanghai

• 2023: Outstanding Student of Fudan University

• 2020: National Scholarship for Graduate Students

Publication List

Qiang Li, Paul Schultz, Wei Lin, Jürgen Kurths, Peng Ji. Global and local performance metric with inertia effects[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020, 102(2): 653-665.

Qiang Li, Thomas Peron, Tomislav Stankovski, Peng Ji. Effects of structural modifications on cluster synchronization patterns[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022: 1-13.

Qiang Li, Kelly C. Larosz, Dingding Han, Peng Ji, Jürgen Kurths. Basins of attraction of chimera states on networks[J]. Frontiers in Physiology, 2022: 1766.

Qiang Li, Rico Berner, Xiaofan Wang. Decoding brain complexity: Structural-functional interplay in neural networks[J]. Physics of life reviews. 2023 Sep 14;47:87-9.

Academic Conference

• 2023, XLIII Dynamics Days Europe, oral presentation titled "Dynamical analysis of the Kuramoto model with second harmonic term and its applications in the Ising problems", Naples, Italy.