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Wenyu Xing
Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
Room 1301, Building D2, Bay Valley Science and Technology Park

Education and Work Background

● 2023/06 - Now  Fudan University, Academy for Engineering and Technology, Postdoctor (Supervisor: Professor Dean Ta)

● 2020/09 - 2023/06  Fudan University, Biomedical Engineering, Doctor of Engineering (Supervisor: Professor Dean Ta)

● 2017/09 - 2020/06 Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Intelligent Perception and Control, Master of Engineering

● 2013/09 - 2017/06  Shanghai Polytechnic University, Automation, Bachelor of Engineering

Research Direction

● Ultrasound imaging and medical image processing

● Multimodal and multi-omics intelligent diagnosis

Honors and Awards

● 2023 Shanghai "Super Postdoctoral" Incentive Plan

● 2023 Fudan University's "Super Postdoctoral" Incentive Plan

● Outstanding graduates from Fudan University in 2023

● 2020 Shanghai Outstanding Graduates

● 2019 Baowu Steel Education Fund Outstanding Student Award

● 2019 National Scholarship for Graduate Students

● 2017 Shanghai Outstanding Graduates

Scientific Research Project

● 74th batch of general funding project from China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Research on the Theory and Method of Intelligent Diagnosis of ARDS Risk Classification using Pulmonary Ultrasound Imaging

● Key project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on New Mechanisms and Deep Information Mining Methods of Ultrasound Propagation and Regulation in Multi-layer Complex Biological Tissues

● Shanghai Science and Technology Major Project, Establishment of Critical Care Early Warning and Prediction System and Real World Research

● Fudan University Medical Engineering Integration Project, Research on Weak Supervised Segmentation and Characterization of Pneumonia CT Imaging Lesions Based on Transformer

Representative Papers

WY Xing, ZB Zhu, DN Hou, et al., CM-SegNet: A deep learning-based automatic segmentation approach for medical images by combining convolution and multilayer perceptron. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2022, 147: 105797.

WY Xing, W He, XL Li, et al., Early severity prediction of BPD for premature infants from chest X-ray images using deep learning: A study at the 28th day of oxygen inhalation. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2022, 221: 106869.

WY Xing, C He, JW Li, et al., Automated lung ultrasound scoring for evaluation of coronavirus disease 2019 pneumonia using two-stage cascaded deep learning model. Biomedical signal processing and control, 2022, 75: 103561.

WY Xing, GN Li, C He, et al., Automatic detection of A‐line in lung ultrasound images using deep learning and image processing. Medical Physics, 2023, 50(1), 330-343.

WY Xing, YW Liu, C He, et al., Frame-to-video-based Semi-supervised Lung Ultrasound Scoring Model. 2023 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 1-4.

WY Xing, M Yu, Xin Liu, et al., A Mumford-Shah Model-based Method for Inpainting Markers in Ultrasound Images. 2023 International Congress on Ultrasonics (ICU), 1-6.

● T Jiang, WY Xing, M Yu, et al., A hybrid enhanced attention transformer network for medical ultrasound image segmentation. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2023, 86: 105329.

● YW Liu, WY Xing, MB Zhao, et al., A new classification method for diagnosing COVID-19 pneumonia based on joint CNN features of chest X-ray images and parallel pyramid MLP-mixer module. Neural Computing and Applications, 2023, 35(23): 17187-17199.

● YW Liu, WY Xing, MB Zhao, et al., An end-to-end framework for diagnosing COVID-19 pneumonia via Parallel Recursive MLP module and Bi-LTSM correlation. 2023 Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, 198: 1-10.

● QH Huang, Y Lei, WY Xing, et al., Evaluation of pulmonary edema using ultrasound imaging in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia based on a non-local Channel attention ResNet. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 2022, 48 (5), 945-953.