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Boyi Li
Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
Room 1301, Building D2, Bay Valley Science and Technology Park

Education and Work Background

● 2020/08-Present: Fudan University, Institute of Engineering and Applied Technology, postdoctoral fellow (co-supervisor: Professor Ta Dean)

● 2016/09 – 2020/06: Fudan University, Biomedical Engineering, Doctor of Engineering (Supervisor: Prof. Ta Dean, Prof. Lawrence H. Le, Academician Wang Weiqi)

● 2013/09 – 2016/06: Inner Mongolia University, Information and Communication Engineering, Master of Engineering

● 2008/09 – 2012/06: Sichuan Agricultural University, Agricultural Electrification and Automation, Bachelor of Engineering

Research Direction

● Research on bone ultrasound imaging and diagnosis and treatment methods, development of smart medical ultrasound diagnosis and treatment equipment, medical ultrasound signal processing, etc.

Honors and Awards

● In 2019, the 47th Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions, Gold Medal (rank 4/8)

● In 2019, China International Industry Fair, special prize (group)

● In 2019, the 14th China Postgraduate Electronic Design Competition, National Finals Best Paper Award (ranking 3/3)

● In 2019, the 14th China Graduate Electronic Design Competition, the third prize of the National Finals (ranking 3/3)

● In 2019, the 14th China Postgraduate Electronic Design Competition, Shanghai Division First Prize (ranking 3/3)

● In 2018, China International High-tech Achievement Fair, Excellent Product Award (Group)

Scientific Research Project

● Participated in the "Cross-scale and high-resolution multimodal ultrasound bone imaging method and instrument development project" of the National Major Scientific Research Instrument Development Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

● Participated in the general project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China "Research on Bone and Joint Ultrasound Imaging Evaluation Method Based on Coded Excitation and Adaptive Beamforming".

● Participate in the "Theoretical Research and Experimental Instrument Development of Ultrasonic Testing and Analysis of Skeletal System", a special scientific research instrument development project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

● Participated in the National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund Project "Research on Methods for Evaluating Anisotropic Microstructure of Cancellous Bone by Ultrasonic Backscatter Method"

Representative Papers

Boyi Li, Feng Xu, Chengcheng Liu, Dan Li, Lawrence H. Le, Dean Ta, Weiqi Wang; Effect of Spectral Estimation on Ultrasonic Backscatter Parameters in Measurements of Cancellous Bones, IEEE Access, 7(1), 83034-83045, 2019.

Boyi Li, Ying Li, Chengcheng Liu, Feng Xu, Lawrence H. Le, Dean Ta; Application of Dynamic Time Warping Technique to Evaluate Microstructures of Cancellous Bones. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Kobe, Japan, 22-25 OCT. 2018.

● Chengcheng Liu,Boyi Li, Ying Li, Weiying Mao, Chao Chen, Rong Zhang, and Dean Ta; Ultrasonic Backscatter Difference Measurement of Bone Health in Preterm and Term Newborns. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. 46(2):305-314, 2020.

● Weiying Mao, Yang Du, Chengcheng Liu,Boyi Li, Dean Ta, Chao Chen, and Rong Zhang; A Combined Ultrasonic Backscatter Parameter for Bone Status Evaluation in Neonates. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2020.

● Chengcheng Liu, Rui Dong,Boyi Li, Ying Li, Feng Xu, Dean Ta, and Weiqi Wang; Ultrasonic backscatter characterization of cancellous bone using a general Nakagami statistical model. Chinese Physics B. 28(2):024302, 2019. (Highlight paper/期刊推荐文章)

● Ying Li,Boyi Li, Yifang Li, Chengcheng Liu, Feng Xu, Rong Zhang, Dean Ta, and Weiqi Wang; The Ability of Ultrasonic Backscatter Parametric Imaging to Characterize Bovine Trabecular Bone, Ultrasonic Imaging, 41(5) 271-289, 2019.

● Chengcheng Liu,Boyi Li, Qiangqiang Diwu, Ying Li, Rong Zhang, Dean Ta and Weiqi Wang; Relationships of Ultrasonic Backscatter with Bone Densities and Microstructure in Bovine Cancellous Bone. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 65(12):2311-2321, 2018. (Highlight paper/期刊推荐文章)

● Ying Li,Boyi Li, Feng Xu, Chengcheng Liu, Dean Ta, and Weiqi Wang; Ultrasonic Backscatter Measurements at the Calcaneus: An in Vivo Study, Measurement, Vol. 122, 128-134, 2018.


● A flexible ultrasound therapy probe array, utility model patent, ZL201721464007.4

● A nonlinear ultrasonic guided wave detection device, utility model patent, CN201922088613.6