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Tran Nguyen Hoang Thi Tho
Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
Room 1301, Building D2, Bay Valley Science and Technology Park

Education and Work Background

● 2020-02 to Present: Fudan University, Institute of Engineering and Applied Technology, postdoctoral fellow, Supervisor: Dean Ta

● 2012-09 to 2019-05: University of Alberta, Department of Medical Sciences, PhD, Supervisor: Lawrence Huan LE

● 2011-08 to 2019-08: University of Alberta, Department of Radiological Diagnostic Imaging, Research Assistant

● 2018-09 to 2019-03: Alberta Health Service, medical physicist assistant

● 2007-09 to 2012-02: Vietnam National International University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Bachelor

● 2010-05 to 2011-05: Vietnam National International University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Research Assistant

Research Direction

● Bone Guided-Wave Ultrasound

● Ultrasonic Imaging of Bone Tissues

● Biomedical Signal and Image Processing

Honors and Awards

● China Postdoctor Fellowship

● Mitacs Globalink Research Award

● Biomedical Acoustics Best Student Papers Award (Acoustical Society of America, 2018)

● WCHRI Graduate Studentship

● Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarship

Representative Papers

Tho N.H.T. Tran, Kailiang Xu, Lawrence H. Le, Dean Ta. Chapter 5 - Signal processing techniques applied to axial transmission ultrasound. Bone Quantitative Ultrasound: New Horizons. Springer, 2022.

Tho N.H.T. Tran, Lawrence H. Le, Dean Ta. Ultrasonic guided waves in bone: a decade of advancement in review, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol. 69, pp. 2875-2895, 2022.

Tho N.H.T. Tran, Lawrence H. Le, Dean Ta. Analysis of ultrasonic guided wave propagation in multilayered bone structure with varying soft-tissue thickness in view of cortical bone characterization, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol. 69, pp. 147-155, 2022.

Tho N.H.T. Tran, Feng He, Zhenggang Zhang, Mauricio D. Sacchi, Dean Ta, Lawrence H. Le. Single versus multi-channel dispersion analysis of ultrasonic guided waves propagating in long bones, Ultrasonic Imaging, Vol. 43, pp. 157-163, 2021.

Tho N. H. T. Tran; Mauricio D. Sacchi; Dean Ta; Vu-Hieu Nguyen; Edmond Lou; Lawrence H. Le*; Nonlinear Inversion of Ultrasonic Dispersion Curves for Cortical Bone Thickness and Elastic Velocities, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2019, 47(11): 2178–2187.

Tho N.H.T. Tran; Lawrence H. Le*; Mauricio D. Sacchi; and Vu-Hieu Nguyen; Sensitivity analysis of ultrasonic guided waves propagating in tri-layered bone models: a numerical study, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2018, 17:1269–1279.

Tho N.H.T. Tran; Kim-Cuong T. Nguyen; Mauricio D. Sacchi; Lawrence H. Le*; Imaging ultrasonic dispersive guided wave energy in long bones using linear Radon transform, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 2014, 40(11): 2715-2727.

Tho N.H.T. Tran; Lawrence H. Le*; Mauricio D. Sacchi; Vu-Hieu Nguyen; Edmond H.M. Lou; Multichannel filtering and reconstruction of ultrasonic guided wave fields using time intercept slowness transform, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2014, 136(1): 248-259.

Tho N.H.T. Tran; Lauren Stieglitz; Yu J. Gu; Lawrence H. Le*; Analysis of ultrasonic waves propagating in a bone plate over a water half-space with and without overlying soft tissue, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 2013, 39(12): 2422-2430.